Building and construction account for a large portion of the pollution and energy use in the United States and around the world. Atlas Moran is committed to effecting positive change in the industry through sustainable and responsible building practices. Our model combines smart design, building science, highest quality craftsmanship, and sustainable stewardship of natural resources.
Many “green building” techniques are not new innovations. Rather, they’re simply the correct way to build a lasting and beautiful home. Atlas Moran has always included these techniques and building sciences on every project. We recycle during demolition, source salvaged materials, use proper air sealing and insulation techniques, and use a holistic approach to the energy systems in your home. These best practices have been, and will always be, key to our remodeling process.
We also offer specialty consultation and construction services for renewable and advanced energy efficiency systems. Code requirements and best practices are moving towards high performance buildings. We can help you design and build super-insulated structures, solar panel arrays, and geo-thermal systems that deliver measureable value and results.
Atlas Moran is committed to the principles outlined in the Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Ready Homes program for all of our new home construction projects. We also welcome the challenge of working with the right client to meet the goals outlined by the Passive House Institute US.